Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Health Provider Strives to Keep Hospital Beds Empty

Nurses calling patients, asking them not to shovel snow?  It's called accountable care, a provision of the Affordable Care Act with great promise for bending the health care cost curve.

Obamacare's Winners and Losers, in One Chart

In this chart, 97% of the country is either (1) unaffected by Obamacare, or (2) a clear winner.  The remaining three percent of the country ends up getting higher quality insurance at a higher price.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why Obamacare is good for business

James Surowiecki has a great article in the New Yorker about the effects (and non-effects) of Obamacare on businesses, particularly small ones.  In short, "the likely benefits of Obamacare for small businesses are enormous."  Moreover, Obamacare does away with "job lock," making it easier to start a business.